import os, uuid TEST_DIR = 'testdata/%s-%s' % (str(uuid.uuid4())[:12], os.path.basename(__file__)) + '/' print("Test directory:", TEST_DIR) os.environ["ONIONR_HOME"] = TEST_DIR from threading import Thread import asyncio import unittest import sys sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("src/") from ordered_set import OrderedSet import onionrblocks import blockdb from gossip.server import gossip_server from filepaths import gossip_server_socket_file BLOCK_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 2000 BLOCK_MAX_SIZE_LEN = len(str(BLOCK_MAX_SIZE)) BLOCK_ID_SIZE = 128 BLOCK_STREAM_OFFSET_DIGITS = 8 class OnionrDiffuseMany(unittest.TestCase): def test_many(self): Thread(target=gossip_server, daemon=True).start() blocks = [] for _ in range(10): bl = onionrblocks.blockcreator.create_anonvdf_block( b"my test block" + os.urandom(16), b"txt", 2800) blockdb.add_block_to_db(bl) blocks.append(bl) async def diffuse_client(): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_unix_connection( gossip_server_socket_file) # tell we want to stream blocks writer.write(int(4).to_bytes(1, 'big')) await writer.drain() # tell timestamp offset writer.write('0'.zfill(BLOCK_STREAM_OFFSET_DIGITS).encode('utf-8')) await writer.drain() # Read blocks from offset for i in range(10): bl_id = await reader.readexactly(BLOCK_ID_SIZE) for bl in blocks: if == bl_id: break # tell we want the block writer.write(int(1).to_bytes(1, 'big')) await writer.drain() # check block size self.assertEqual( len(bl.raw), int((await reader.readexactly(BLOCK_MAX_SIZE_LEN)).decode('utf-8'))) self.assertEqual(bl.raw, await reader.readexactly(len(bl.raw))) writer.write(int(1).to_bytes(1, 'big')) await writer.drain() writer.write(int(0).to_bytes(1, 'big')) await writer.drain() unittest.main()