''' Onionr - P2P Microblogging Platform & Social network Proof of work module ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import nacl.encoding, nacl.hash, nacl.utils, time, math, threading, binascii, logger, sys, base64, json import core, config class DataPOW: def __init__(self, data, forceDifficulty=0, threadCount = 5): self.foundHash = False self.difficulty = 0 self.data = data self.threadCount = threadCount config.reload() if forceDifficulty == 0: dataLen = sys.getsizeof(data) self.difficulty = math.floor(dataLen / 1000000) if self.difficulty <= 2: self.difficulty = 4 else: self.difficulty = forceDifficulty try: self.data = self.data.encode() except AttributeError: pass self.data = nacl.hash.blake2b(self.data) logger.info('Computing POW (difficulty: %s)...' % self.difficulty) self.mainHash = '0' * 70 self.puzzle = self.mainHash[0:min(self.difficulty, len(self.mainHash))] myCore = core.Core() for i in range(max(1, threadCount)): t = threading.Thread(name = 'thread%s' % i, target = self.pow, args = (True,myCore)) t.start() return def pow(self, reporting = False, myCore = None): startTime = math.floor(time.time()) self.hashing = True self.reporting = reporting iFound = False # if current thread is the one that found the answer answer = '' heartbeat = 200000 hbCount = 0 while self.hashing: rand = nacl.utils.random() token = nacl.hash.blake2b(rand + self.data).decode() #print(token) if self.puzzle == token[0:self.difficulty]: self.hashing = False iFound = True break if iFound: endTime = math.floor(time.time()) if self.reporting: logger.debug('Found token after %s seconds: %s' % (endTime - startTime, token), timestamp=True) logger.debug('Random value was: %s' % base64.b64encode(rand).decode()) self.result = (token, rand) def shutdown(self): self.hashing = False self.puzzle = '' def changeDifficulty(self, newDiff): self.difficulty = newDiff def getResult(self): ''' Returns the result then sets to false, useful to automatically clear the result ''' try: retVal = self.result except AttributeError: retVal = False self.result = False return retVal def waitForResult(self): ''' Returns the result only when it has been found, False if not running and not found ''' result = False try: while True: result = self.getResult() if not self.hashing: break else: time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown() logger.warn('Got keyboard interrupt while waiting for POW result, stopping') return result class POW: def __init__(self, metadata, data, threadCount = 5): self.foundHash = False self.difficulty = 0 self.data = data self.metadata = metadata self.threadCount = threadCount dataLen = len(data) + len(json.dumps(metadata)) self.difficulty = math.floor(dataLen / 1000000) if self.difficulty <= 2: self.difficulty = int(config.get('general.minimum_block_pow')) try: self.data = self.data.encode() except AttributeError: pass logger.info('Computing POW (difficulty: %s)...' % self.difficulty) self.mainHash = '0' * 64 self.puzzle = self.mainHash[0:min(self.difficulty, len(self.mainHash))] myCore = core.Core() for i in range(max(1, threadCount)): t = threading.Thread(name = 'thread%s' % i, target = self.pow, args = (True,myCore)) t.start() self.myCore = myCore return def pow(self, reporting = False, myCore = None): startTime = math.floor(time.time()) self.hashing = True self.reporting = reporting iFound = False # if current thread is the one that found the answer answer = '' heartbeat = 200000 hbCount = 0 while self.hashing: rand = nacl.utils.random() #token = nacl.hash.blake2b(rand + self.data).decode() self.metadata['powRandomToken'] = base64.b64encode(rand).decode() payload = json.dumps(self.metadata).encode() + b'\n' + self.data token = myCore._crypto.sha3Hash(payload) try: # on some versions, token is bytes token = token.decode() except AttributeError: pass if self.puzzle == token[0:self.difficulty]: self.hashing = False iFound = True self.result = payload break if iFound: endTime = math.floor(time.time()) if self.reporting: logger.debug('Found token after %s seconds: %s' % (endTime - startTime, token), timestamp=True) logger.debug('Random value was: %s' % base64.b64encode(rand).decode()) def shutdown(self): self.hashing = False self.puzzle = '' def changeDifficulty(self, newDiff): self.difficulty = newDiff def getResult(self): ''' Returns the result then sets to false, useful to automatically clear the result ''' try: retVal = self.result except AttributeError: retVal = False self.result = False return retVal def waitForResult(self): ''' Returns the result only when it has been found, False if not running and not found ''' result = False try: while True: result = self.getResult() if not self.hashing: break else: time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown() logger.warn('Got keyboard interrupt while waiting for POW result, stopping') return result