"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Upload blocks in the upload queue to peers from the communicator """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from time import sleep from threading import Thread from . import sessionmanager from onionrtypes import UserID import logger from communicatorutils import proxypicker import onionrexceptions from onionrblocks import onionrblockapi as block from onionrutils import stringvalidators, basicrequests import onionrcrypto from communicator import onlinepeers if TYPE_CHECKING: from deadsimplekv import DeadSimpleKV from communicator import OnionrCommunicatorDaemon """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ def upload_blocks_from_communicator(comm_inst: 'OnionrCommunicatorDaemon'): """Accept a communicator instance + upload blocks from its upload queue.""" """when inserting a block, we try to upload it to a few peers to add some deniability & increase functionality""" kv: "DeadSimpleKV" = comm_inst.shared_state.get_by_string("DeadSimpleKV") TIMER_NAME = "upload_blocks_from_communicator" session_manager: sessionmanager.BlockUploadSessionManager session_manager = comm_inst.shared_state.get( sessionmanager.BlockUploadSessionManager) tried_peers: UserID = [] finishedUploads = [] kv.put('blocksToUpload', onionrcrypto.cryptoutils.random_shuffle( kv.get('blocksToUpload'))) def remove_from_hidden(bl): sleep(60) try: comm_inst.shared_state.get_by_string( 'PublicAPI').hideBlocks.remove(bl) except ValueError: pass if len(kv.get('blocksToUpload')) != 0: for bl in kv.get('blocksToUpload'): if not stringvalidators.validate_hash(bl): logger.warn('Requested to upload invalid block', terminal=True) comm_inst.decrementThreadCount(TIMER_NAME) return session = session_manager.add_session(bl) for _ in range(min(len(kv.get('onlinePeers')), 6)): try: peer = onlinepeers.pick_online_peer(kv) except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: continue try: session.peer_exists[peer] continue except KeyError: pass try: if session.peer_fails[peer] > 3: continue except KeyError: pass if peer in tried_peers: continue tried_peers.append(peer) url = f'http://{peer}/upload' try: data = block.Block(bl).getRaw() except onionrexceptions.NoDataAvailable: finishedUploads.append(bl) break proxy_type = proxypicker.pick_proxy(peer) logger.info( f"Uploading block {bl[:8]} to {peer}", terminal=True) resp = basicrequests.do_post_request( url, data=data, proxyType=proxy_type, content_type='application/octet-stream') if resp is not False: if resp == 'success': Thread(target=remove_from_hidden, args=[bl], daemon=True).start() session.success() session.peer_exists[peer] = True elif resp == 'exists': session.success() session.peer_exists[peer] = True else: session.fail() session.fail_peer(peer) comm_inst.getPeerProfileInstance(peer).addScore(-5) logger.warn( f'Failed to upload {bl[:8]}, reason: {resp}', terminal=True) else: session.fail() session_manager.clean_session() for x in finishedUploads: try: kv.get('blocksToUpload').remove(x) comm_inst.shared_state.get_by_string( 'PublicAPI').hideBlocks.remove(x) except ValueError: pass comm_inst.decrementThreadCount(TIMER_NAME)