"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Download blocks that are being diffused doesn't apply for blocks in the gossip queue that are awaiting descision to fluff or stem """ from ast import Index from threading import Thread, Semaphore from random import SystemRandom from time import sleep import traceback from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List import blockdb from ...constants import BLOCK_ID_SIZE, BLOCK_MAX_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE_LEN, BLOCK_STREAM_OFFSET_DIGITS if TYPE_CHECKING: from socket import socket from gossip.peer import Peer from ordered_set import OrderedSet import logger import onionrblocks from ...peerset import gossip_peer_set from ...commands import GossipCommands, command_to_byte """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ MAX_STREAMS = 6 CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 45 MAX_TRIED_PEERS = 10_000 def stream_from_peers(): # Pick N peers to stream from # Create sockets for them # Spawn thread to stream from the socket tried_peers: OrderedSet['Peer'] = OrderedSet() sys_rand = SystemRandom() need_socket_lock = Semaphore(MAX_STREAMS) offset = 0 def _stream_from_peer(peer: 'Peer'): stream_counter = 0 stream_times = 100 try: sock = peer.get_socket(CONNECT_TIMEOUT) except (TimeoutError, ConnectionRefusedError) as _: need_socket_lock.release() return except Exception: logger.warn(traceback.format_exc(), terminal=True) need_socket_lock.release() return try: sock.sendall( command_to_byte(GossipCommands.STREAM_BLOCKS) ) sock.sendall( str(offset).zfill(BLOCK_STREAM_OFFSET_DIGITS).encode('utf-8')) while stream_times >= stream_counter: stream_counter += 1 #logger.debug("Reading block of id in stream with " + peer.transport_address, terminal=True) sock.settimeout(5) block_id = sock.recv(BLOCK_ID_SIZE) if blockdb.has_block(block_id): sock.sendall(int(0).to_bytes(1, 'big')) continue sock.sendall(int(1).to_bytes(1, 'big')) #logger.debug("Reading block size in stream", terminal=True) sock.settimeout(5) block_size = int(sock.recv(BLOCK_SIZE_LEN)) if block_size > BLOCK_MAX_SIZE or block_size <= 0: logger.warn( f"Peer {peer.transport_address} " + "reported block size out of range") break sock.settimeout(5) block_data = sock.recv(block_size) #logger.debug( # "We got a block from stream, assuming it is valid", # terminal=True) try: blockdb.add_block_to_db( onionrblocks.Block( block_id, block_data, auto_verify=True)) except Exception: # They gave us a bad block, kill the stream # Could be corruption or malice sock.sendall(int(0).to_bytes(1, 'big')) raise # Tell them to keep streaming sock.sendall(int(1).to_bytes(1, 'big')) except (BrokenPipeError, TimeoutError, ConnectionError) as e: pass #logger.debug(f"{e} when streaming from peers", terminal=True) #logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) except Exception: logger.warn(traceback.format_exc(), terminal=True) finally: sock.close() need_socket_lock.release() # spawn stream threads infinitely while True: if not gossip_peer_set: sleep(2) available_set = gossip_peer_set - tried_peers if not len(available_set) and len(tried_peers): try: tried_peers.clear() except IndexError: pass available_set = gossip_peer_set.copy() peers = sys_rand.sample( available_set, min(MAX_STREAMS, len(available_set))) tried_peers.update(peers) if len(tried_peers) >= MAX_TRIED_PEERS: tried_peers.pop() while len(peers): try: need_socket_lock.acquire() Thread( target=_stream_from_peer, args=[peers.pop()], daemon=True, name="_stream_from_peer").start() except IndexError: need_socket_lock.release() break