from asyncio import sleep from threading import Thread from queue import Empty from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import logger from ...constants import BLOCK_ID_SIZE, BLOCK_MAX_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE_LEN if TYPE_CHECKING: from queue import Queue import socket from ...dandelion import DandelionPhase from onionrblocks import Block async def do_stem_stream( peer_socket: 'socket.socket', block_queue: "Queue[Block]", d_phase: 'DandelionPhase'): remaining_time = d_phase.remaining_time() my_phase_id = d_phase.phase_id while remaining_time > 1 and my_phase_id == d_phase.phase_id: # Primary client component that communicate's with gossip.server.acceptstem remaining_time = d_phase.remaining_time() while remaining_time: try: # queues can't block because we're in async bl = block_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: remaining_time = d_phase.remaining_time() await sleep(1) else: break"Sending block over dandelion++", terminal=True) block_size = str(len(bl.raw)).zfill(BLOCK_SIZE_LEN) def _send_it(): try: with peer_socket: try: peer_socket.sendall('utf-8')) except AttributeError: peer_socket.sendall( peer_socket.sendall(block_size.encode('utf-8')) peer_socket.sendall(bl.raw) except OSError: pass Thread(target=_send_it, daemon=True, name="stemout block").start()