''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Process block metadata with relevant actions ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' from etc import onionrvalues from onionrblocks import onionrblockapi from .. import epoch, bytesconverter from coredb import blockmetadb import logger from onionrplugins import onionrevents import onionrexceptions from onionrusers import onionrusers from onionrutils import updater def process_block_metadata(blockHash: str): ''' Read metadata from a block and cache it to the block database blockHash -> sha3_256 hex formatted hash of Onionr block ''' curTime = epoch.get_rounded_epoch(roundS=60) myBlock = onionrblockapi.Block(blockHash) if myBlock.isEncrypted: myBlock.decrypt() if (myBlock.isEncrypted and myBlock.decrypted) or (not myBlock.isEncrypted): blockType = myBlock.getMetadata('type') # we would use myBlock.getType() here, but it is bugged with encrypted blocks signer = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(myBlock.signer) valid = myBlock.verifySig() if valid: if myBlock.getMetadata('newFSKey') is not None: try: onionrusers.OnionrUser(signer).addForwardKey(myBlock.getMetadata('newFSKey')) except onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey: logger.warn('%s has invalid forward secrecy key to add: %s' % (signer, myBlock.getMetadata('newFSKey'))) try: if len(blockType) <= onionrvalues.MAX_BLOCK_TYPE_LENGTH: blockmetadb.update_block_info(blockHash, 'dataType', blockType) except TypeError: logger.warn("Missing block information") pass # Set block expire time if specified try: expireTime = int(myBlock.getHeader('expire')) # test that expire time is an integer of sane length (for epoch) # doesn't matter if its too large because of the min() func below if not len(str(expireTime)) < 20: raise ValueError('timestamp invalid') except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: expireTime = onionrvalues.DEFAULT_EXPIRE + curTime finally: expireTime = min(expireTime, curTime + onionrvalues.DEFAULT_EXPIRE) blockmetadb.update_block_info(blockHash, 'expire', expireTime) if blockType == 'update': updater.update_event(myBlock) onionrevents.event('processblocks', data = {'block': myBlock, 'type': blockType, 'signer': signer, 'validSig': valid})