/* handy localstorage functions for quick usage */ function set(key, val) { return localStorage.setItem(key, val); } function get(key, df) { // df is default value = localStorage.getItem(key); if(value == null) value = df; return value; } function remove(key) { return localStorage.removeItem(key); } var usermap = JSON.parse(get('usermap', '{}')); function getUserMap() { return usermap; } function deserializeUser(id) { var serialized = getUserMap()[id] var user = new User(); user.setName(serialized['name']); user.setID(serialized['id']); user.setIcon(serialized['icon']); } /* returns a relative date format, e.g. "5 minutes" */ function timeSince(date, size) { // taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3177838/3678023 var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000); var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if (size === null) size = 'desktop'; var dates = { 'mobile' : { 'yr' : 'yrs', 'mo' : 'mo', 'd' : 'd', 'hr' : 'h', 'min' : 'm', 'secs' : 's', 'sec' : 's', }, 'desktop' : { 'yr' : ' years', 'mo' : ' months', 'd' : ' days', 'hr' : ' hours', 'min' : ' minutes', 'secs' : ' seconds', 'sec' : ' second', }, }; if (interval > 1) return interval + dates[size]['yr']; interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000); if (interval > 1) return interval + dates[size]['mo']; interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if (interval > 1) return interval + dates[size]['d']; interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval > 1) return interval + dates[size]['hr']; interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval > 1) return interval + dates[size]['min']; if(Math.floor(seconds) !== 1) return Math.floor(seconds) + dates[size]['secs']; return '1' + dates[size]['sec']; } /* replace all instances of string */ String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) { // taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/17606289/3678023 var target = this; return target.split(search).join(replacement); }; /* useful functions to sanitize data */ class Sanitize { /* sanitizes HTML in a string */ static html(html) { return String(html).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } /* URL encodes a string */ static url(url) { return encodeURIComponent(url); } } /* config stuff */ function getWebPassword() { return get("web-password", null); } function setWebPassword(password) { return set("web-password", password); } function getTimingToken() { return get("timing-token", null); } function setTimingToken(token) { return set("timing-token", token); } /* user class */ class User { constructor() { this.name = 'Unknown'; this.id = 'unknown'; this.image = 'img/default.png'; } setName(name) { this.name = name; } getName() { return this.name; } setID(id) { this.id = id; } getID() { return this.id; } setIcon(image) { this.image = image; } getIcon() { return this.image; } serialize() { return { 'name' : this.getName(), 'id' : this.getID(), 'icon' : this.getIcon() }; } remember() { usermap[this.getID()] = this.serialize(); set('usermap', JSON.stringify(usermap)); } } /* post class */ class Post { /* returns the html content of a post */ getHTML() { var postTemplate = '\
\ \
\ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ $content\
\ \
\ like\ reply\
\ \ '; var device = (jQuery(document).width() < 768 ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-name-url', Sanitize.html(Sanitize.url(this.getUser().getName()))); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-name', Sanitize.html(this.getUser().getName())); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-id-url', Sanitize.html(Sanitize.url(this.getUser().getID()))); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-id-truncated', Sanitize.html(this.getUser().getID().substring(0, 12) + '...')); // postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-id-truncated', Sanitize.html(this.getUser().getID().split('-').slice(0, 4).join('-'))); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-id', Sanitize.html(this.getUser().getID())); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$user-image', Sanitize.html(this.getUser().getIcon())); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$content', Sanitize.html(this.getContent())); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$date-relative', timeSince(this.getPostDate(), device) + (device === 'desktop' ? ' ago' : '')); postTemplate = postTemplate.replaceAll('$date', this.getPostDate().toLocaleString()); return postTemplate; } setUser(user) { this.user = user; } getUser() { return this.user; } setContent(content) { this.content = content; } getContent() { return this.content; } setPostDate(date) { // unix timestamp input if(date instanceof Date) this.date = date; else this.date = new Date(date * 1000); } getPostDate() { return this.date; } } /* block class */ class Block { constructor(type, content) { this.type = type; this.content = content; } // returns the block hash, if any getHash() { return this.hash; } // returns the block type getType() { return this.type; } // returns the block header getHeader(key, df) { // df is default if(key !== undefined) { if(this.getHeader().hasOwnProperty(key)) return this.getHeader()[key]; else return (df === undefined ? null : df); } else return this.header; } // returns the block metadata getMetadata(key, df) { // df is default if(key !== undefined) { if(this.getMetadata().hasOwnProperty(key)) return this.getMetadata()[key]; else return (df === undefined ? null : df); } else return this.metadata; } // returns the block content getContent() { return this.content; } // returns the parent block's hash (not Block object, for performance) getParent() { if(!(this.parent instanceof Block) && this.parent !== undefined && this.parent !== null) this.parent = Block.openBlock(this.parent); // convert hash to Block object return this.parent; } // returns the date that the block was received getDate() { return this.date; } // returns a boolean that indicates whether or not the block is valid isValid() { return this.valid; } // returns a boolean thati ndicates whether or not the block is signed isSigned() { return this.signed; } // returns the block signature getSignature() { return this.signature; } // returns the block type setType(type) { this.type = type; return this; } // sets block metadata by key setMetadata(key, val) { this.metadata[key] = val; return this; } // sets block content setContent(content) { this.content = content; return this; } // sets the block parent by hash or Block object setParent(parent) { this.parent = parent; return this; } // indicates if the Block exists or not exists() { return !(this.hash === null || this.hash === undefined); } /* static functions */ // recreates a block by hash static openBlock(hash) { return parseBlock(response); } // converts an associative array to a Block static parseBlock(val) { var block = new Block(); block.type = val['type']; block.content = val['content']; block.header = val['header']; block.metadata = val['metadata']; block.date = new Date(val['date'] * 1000); block.hash = val['hash']; block.signature = val['signature']; block.signed = val['signed']; block.valid = val['valid']; block.parent = val['parent']; if(block.getParent() !== null) { // if the block data is already in the associative array /* if (blocks.hasOwnProperty(block.getParent())) block.setParent(Block.parseAssociativeArray({blocks[block.getParent()]})[0]); */ } return block; } // converts an array of associative arrays to an array of Blocks static parseBlockArray(blocks) { var outputBlocks = []; for(var key in blocks) { if(blocks.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var val = blocks[key]; var block = Block.parseBlock(val); outputBlocks.push(block); } } return outputBlocks; } static getBlocks(args, callback) { // callback is optional args = args || {} var url = '/client/?action=searchBlocks&data=' + Sanitize.url(JSON.stringify(args)) + '&token=' + Sanitize.url(getWebPassword()) + '&timingToken=' + Sanitize.url(getTimingToken()); console.log(url); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(callback !== undefined) { // async http.addEventListener('load', function() { callback(Block.parseBlockArray(JSON.parse(http.responseText)['blocks'])); }, false); http.open('GET', url, true); http.timeout = 5000; http.send(null); } else { // sync http.open('GET', url, false); http.send(null); return Block.parseBlockArray(JSON.parse(http.responseText)['blocks']); } } } /* temporary code */ if(getWebPassword() === null) { var password = ""; while(password.length != 64) { password = prompt("Please enter the web password (run `./RUN-LINUX.sh --get-password`)"); } setTimingToken(prompt("Please enter the timing token (optional)")); setWebPassword(password); window.location.reload(true); }