#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Onionr - P2P Microblogging Platform & Social network. This file contains both the OnionrCommunicate class for communcating with peers and code to operate as a daemon, getting commands from the command queue database (see core.Core.daemonQueue) ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sqlite3, requests, hmac, hashlib, time, sys, os, math, logger, urllib.parse, random import core, onionrutils, onionrcrypto, onionrproofs, btc, config, onionrplugins as plugins class OnionrCommunicate: def __init__(self, debug, developmentMode): ''' OnionrCommunicate This class handles communication with nodes in the Onionr network. ''' self._core = core.Core() self._utils = onionrutils.OnionrUtils(self._core) self._crypto = onionrcrypto.OnionrCrypto(self._core) ''' logger.info('Starting Bitcoin Node... with Tor socks port:' + str(sys.argv[2])) try: self.bitcoin = btc.OnionrBTC(torP=int(sys.argv[2])) except _gdbm.error: pass logger.info('Bitcoin Node started, on block: ' + self.bitcoin.node.getBlockHash(self.bitcoin.node.getLastBlockHeight())) ''' #except: #logger.fatal('Failed to start Bitcoin Node, exiting...') #exit(1) blockProcessTimer = 0 blockProcessAmount = 5 heartBeatTimer = 0 heartBeatRate = 5 pexTimer = 5 # How often we should check for new peers pexCount = 0 logger.debug('Communicator debugging enabled.') torID = open('data/hs/hostname').read() self.peerData = {} # Session data for peers (recent reachability, speed, etc) if os.path.exists(self._core.queueDB): self._core.clearDaemonQueue() # Loads in and starts the enabled plugins plugins.reload() while True: command = self._core.daemonQueue() # Process blocks based on a timer blockProcessTimer += 1 heartBeatTimer += 1 pexCount += 1 if pexTimer == pexCount: self.getNewPeers() pexCount = 0 if heartBeatRate == heartBeatTimer: logger.debug('Communicator heartbeat') heartBeatTimer = 0 if blockProcessTimer == blockProcessAmount: self.lookupBlocks() self.processBlocks() blockProcessTimer = 0 if command != False: if command[0] == 'shutdown': logger.info('Daemon recieved exit command.') break time.sleep(1) return def getNewPeers(self): ''' Get new peers ''' peersCheck = 5 # Amount of peers to ask for new peers + keys peersChecked = 0 peerList = list(self._core.listAdders()) # random ordered list of peers newKeys = [] newAdders = [] if len(peerList) > 0: maxN = len(peerList) - 1 else: peersCheck = 0 maxN = 0 if len(peerList) > peersCheck: peersCheck = len(peerList) while peersCheck > peersChecked: i = random.randint(0, maxN) logger.info('Using ' + peerList[i] + ' to find new peers') try: newAdders = self.performGet('pex', peerList[i], skipHighFailureAddress=True) self._utils.mergeAdders(newAdders) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.info(peerList[i] + ' connection failed') continue else: try: logger.info('Using ' + peerList[i] + ' to find new keys') newKeys = self.performGet('kex', peerList[i], skipHighFailureAddress=True) # TODO: Require keys to come with POW token (very large amount of POW) self._utils.mergeKeys(newKeys) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.info(peerList[i] + ' connection failed') continue else: peersChecked += 1 return def lookupBlocks(self): ''' Lookup blocks and merge new ones ''' peerList = self._core.listAdders() blocks = '' for i in peerList: lastDB = self._core.getAddressInfo(i, 'DBHash') if lastDB == None: logger.debug('Fetching hash from ' + i + ' No previous known.') else: logger.debug('Fetching hash from ' + str(i) + ', ' + lastDB + ' last known') currentDB = self.performGet('getDBHash', i) if currentDB != False: logger.debug(i + " hash db (from request): " + currentDB) else: logger.warn("Error getting hash db status for " + i) if currentDB != False: if lastDB != currentDB: logger.debug('Fetching hash from ' + i + ' - ' + currentDB + ' current hash.') blocks += self.performGet('getBlockHashes', i) if self._utils.validateHash(currentDB): self._core.setAddressInfo(i, "DBHash", currentDB) if len(blocks.strip()) != 0: logger.debug('BLOCKS:' + blocks) blockList = blocks.split('\n') for i in blockList: if len(i.strip()) == 0: continue if self._utils.hasBlock(i): continue logger.debug('Exchanged block (blockList): ' + i) if not self._utils.validateHash(i): # skip hash if it isn't valid logger.warn('Hash ' + i + ' is not valid') continue else: logger.debug('Adding ' + i + ' to hash database...') self._core.addToBlockDB(i) return def processBlocks(self): ''' Work with the block database and download any missing blocks This is meant to be called from the communicator daemon on its timer. ''' for i in self._core.getBlockList(True).split("\n"): if i != "": logger.warn('UNSAVED BLOCK: ' + i) data = self.downloadBlock(i) return def downloadBlock(self, hash): ''' Download a block from random order of peers ''' peerList = self._core.listAdders() blocks = '' for i in peerList: hasher = hashlib.sha3_256() data = self.performGet('getData', i, hash) if data == False or len(data) > 10000000: continue hasher.update(data.encode()) digest = hasher.hexdigest() if type(digest) is bytes: digest = digest.decode() if digest == hash.strip(): self._core.setData(data) if data.startswith('-txt-'): self._core.setBlockType(hash, 'txt') logger.info('Successfully obtained data for ' + hash) if len(data) < 120: logger.debug('Block text:\n' + data) else: logger.warn("Failed to validate " + hash) return def urlencode(self, data): ''' URL encodes the data ''' return urllib.parse.quote_plus(data) def performGet(self, action, peer, data=None, skipHighFailureAddress=False, peerType='tor'): ''' Performs a request to a peer through Tor or i2p (currently only Tor) ''' if not peer.endswith('.onion') and not peer.endswith('.onion/'): raise PeerError('Currently only Tor .onion peers are supported. You must manually specify .onion') # Store peer in peerData dictionary (non permanent) if not peer in self.peerData: self.peerData[peer] = {'connectCount': 0, 'failCount': 0, 'lastConnectTime': math.floor(time.time())} socksPort = sys.argv[2] '''We use socks5h to use tor as DNS''' proxies = {'http': 'socks5://' + str(socksPort), 'https': 'socks5://' + str(socksPort)} headers = {'user-agent': 'PyOnionr'} url = 'http://' + peer + '/public/?action=' + self.urlencode(action) if data != None: url = url + '&data=' + self.urlencode(data) try: if skipHighFailureAddress and self.peerData[peer]['failCount'] > 10: retData = False logger.debug('Skipping ' + peer + ' because of high failure rate') else: logger.debug('Contacting ' + peer + ' on port ' + socksPort) r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=(15, 30)) retData = r.text except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.warn(action + " failed with peer " + peer + ": " + str(e)) retData = False if not retData: self.peerData[peer]['failCount'] += 1 else: self.peerData[peer]['connectCount'] += 1 self.peerData[peer]['lastConnectTime'] = math.floor(time.time()) return retData shouldRun = False debug = True developmentMode = False if config.get('devmode', True): developmentMode = True try: if sys.argv[1] == 'run': shouldRun = True except IndexError: pass if shouldRun: try: OnionrCommunicate(debug, developmentMode) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) pass