""" Onionr - Private P2P Communication Download blocks using the communicator instance """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from communicator import OnionrCommunicatorDaemon import onionrexceptions import logger import onionrpeers import communicator from communicator import peeraction from communicator import onlinepeers from onionrutils import blockmetadata from onionrutils import validatemetadata from coredb import blockmetadb from coredb import daemonqueue import onionrcrypto import onionrstorage from onionrblocks import onionrblacklist from onionrblocks import storagecounter from . import shoulddownload """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ def download_blocks_from_communicator(comm_inst: "OnionrCommunicatorDaemon"): """Use communicator instance to download blocks in the comms's queue""" blacklist = onionrblacklist.OnionrBlackList() storage_counter = storagecounter.StorageCounter() LOG_SKIP_COUNT = 50 # for how many iterations we skip logging the counter count: int = 0 metadata_validation_result: bool = False # Iterate the block queue in the communicator for blockHash in list(comm_inst.blockQueue): count += 1 triedQueuePeers = [] # List of peers we've tried for a block try: blockPeers = list(comm_inst.blockQueue[blockHash]) except KeyError: blockPeers = [] removeFromQueue = True if not shoulddownload.should_download(comm_inst, blockHash): continue if comm_inst.shutdown or not comm_inst.isOnline or storage_counter.is_full(): # Exit loop if shutting down or offline, or disk allocation reached break # Do not download blocks being downloaded if blockHash in comm_inst.currentDownloading: continue if len(comm_inst.onlinePeers) == 0: break comm_inst.currentDownloading.append(blockHash) # So we can avoid concurrent downloading in other threads of same block if len(blockPeers) == 0: try: peerUsed = onlinepeers.pick_online_peer(comm_inst) except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: continue else: blockPeers = onionrcrypto.cryptoutils.random_shuffle(blockPeers) peerUsed = blockPeers.pop(0) if not comm_inst.shutdown and peerUsed.strip() != '': logger.info("Attempting to download %s from %s..." % (blockHash[:12], peerUsed)) content = peeraction.peer_action(comm_inst, peerUsed, 'getdata/' + blockHash, max_resp_size=3000000) # block content from random peer (includes metadata) if content != False and len(content) > 0: try: content = content.encode() except AttributeError: pass realHash = onionrcrypto.hashers.sha3_hash(content) try: realHash = realHash.decode() # bytes on some versions for some reason except AttributeError: pass if realHash == blockHash: #content = content.decode() # decode here because sha3Hash needs bytes above metas = blockmetadata.get_block_metadata_from_data(content) # returns tuple(metadata, meta), meta is also in metadata metadata = metas[0] try: metadata_validation_result = validatemetadata.validate_metadata(metadata, metas[2]) except onionrexceptions.DataExists: metadata_validation_result = False if metadata_validation_result: # check if metadata is valid, and verify nonce if onionrcrypto.cryptoutils.verify_POW(content): # check if POW is enough/correct logger.info('Attempting to save block %s...' % blockHash[:12]) try: onionrstorage.set_data(content) except onionrexceptions.DataExists: logger.warn('Data is already set for %s ' % (blockHash,)) except onionrexceptions.DiskAllocationReached: logger.error('Reached disk allocation allowance, cannot save block %s.' % (blockHash,)) removeFromQueue = False else: blockmetadb.add_to_block_DB(blockHash, dataSaved=True) # add block to meta db daemonqueue.daemon_queue_add('uploadEvent', blockHash) blockmetadata.process_block_metadata(blockHash) # caches block metadata values to block database else: logger.warn('POW failed for block %s.' % (blockHash,)) else: if blacklist.inBlacklist(realHash): logger.warn('Block %s is blacklisted.' % (realHash,)) else: logger.warn('Metadata for block %s is invalid.' % (blockHash,)) blacklist.addToDB(blockHash) else: # if block didn't meet expected hash tempHash = onionrcrypto.hashers.sha3_hash(content) # lazy hack, TODO use var try: tempHash = tempHash.decode() except AttributeError: pass # Punish peer for sharing invalid block (not always malicious, but is bad regardless) onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(peerUsed).addScore(-50) if tempHash != 'ed55e34cb828232d6c14da0479709bfa10a0923dca2b380496e6b2ed4f7a0253': # Dumb hack for 404 response from peer. Don't log it if 404 since its likely not malicious or a critical error. logger.warn('Block hash validation failed for ' + blockHash + ' got ' + tempHash) else: removeFromQueue = False # Don't remove from queue if 404 if removeFromQueue: try: del comm_inst.blockQueue[blockHash] # remove from block queue both if success or false if count == LOG_SKIP_COUNT: logger.info('%s blocks remaining in queue' % [len(comm_inst.blockQueue)], terminal=True) count = 0 except KeyError: pass comm_inst.currentDownloading.remove(blockHash) comm_inst.decrementThreadCount('getBlocks')