''' Onionr - P2P Microblogging Platform & Social network This file handles all operations involving logging ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import re class colors: ''' This class allows you to set the color if ANSI codes are supported ''' reset='\033[0m' bold='\033[01m' disable='\033[02m' underline='\033[04m' reverse='\033[07m' strikethrough='\033[09m' invisible='\033[08m' italics='\033[3m' class fg: black='\033[30m' red='\033[31m' green='\033[32m' orange='\033[33m' blue='\033[34m' purple='\033[35m' cyan='\033[36m' lightgrey='\033[37m' darkgrey='\033[90m' lightred='\033[91m' lightgreen='\033[92m' yellow='\033[93m' lightblue='\033[94m' pink='\033[95m' lightcyan='\033[96m' class bg: black='\033[40m' red='\033[41m' green='\033[42m' orange='\033[43m' blue='\033[44m' purple='\033[45m' cyan='\033[46m' lightgrey='\033[47m' @staticmethod def filter(data): return re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]').sub('', str(data)) ''' Use the bitwise operators to merge these settings ''' USE_ANSI = 0b100 OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE = 0b010 OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 0b001 LEVEL_DEBUG = 1 LEVEL_INFO = 2 LEVEL_WARN = 3 LEVEL_ERROR = 4 LEVEL_FATAL = 5 _type = OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE | USE_ANSI # the default settings for logging _level = LEVEL_DEBUG # the lowest level to log _outputfile = './output.log' # the file to log to ''' Set the settings for the logger using bitwise operators ''' def set_settings(type): global _type _type = type ''' Get settings from the logger ''' def get_settings(): return _type ''' Set the lowest log level to output ''' def set_level(level): global _level _level = level ''' Get the lowest log level currently being outputted ''' def get_level(): return _level ''' Outputs raw data to console without formatting ''' def raw(data): if get_settings() & OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE: print(data) if get_settings() & OUTPUT_TO_FILE: with open(_outputfile, "a+") as f: f.write(colors.filter(data) + '\n') ''' Logs the data prefix : The prefix to the output data : The actual data to output color : The color to output before the data ''' def log(prefix, data, color = ''): output = colors.reset + str(color) + '[' + colors.bold + str(prefix) + colors.reset + str(color) + '] ' + str(data) + colors.reset if not get_settings() & USE_ANSI: output = colors.filter(output) raw(output) # debug: when there is info that could be useful for debugging purposes only def debug(data): if get_level() <= LEVEL_DEBUG: log('/', data) # info: when there is something to notify the user of, such as the success of a process def info(data): if get_level() <= LEVEL_INFO: log('+', data, colors.fg.green) # warn: when there is a potential for something bad to happen def warn(data): if get_level() <= LEVEL_WARN: log('!', data, colors.fg.orange) # error: when only one function, module, or process of the program encountered a problem and must stop def error(data): if get_level() <= LEVEL_ERROR: log('-', data, colors.fg.red) # fatal: when the something so bad has happened that the prorgam must stop def fatal(data): if get_level() <= LEVEL_FATAL: log('#', data, colors.bg.red + colors.fg.black)