''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Storage Network This default plugin handles private messages in an email like fashion ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' # Imports some useful libraries import logger, config, threading, time, readline, datetime from onionrblockapi import Block import onionrexceptions, onionrusers import locale, sys, os, json locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) import sentboxdb # import after path insert plugin_name = 'pms' PLUGIN_VERSION = '0.0.1' def draw_border(text): #https://stackoverflow.com/a/20757491 lines = text.splitlines() width = max(len(s) for s in lines) res = ['┌' + '─' * width + '┐'] for s in lines: res.append('│' + (s + ' ' * width)[:width] + '│') res.append('└' + '─' * width + '┘') return '\n'.join(res) class MailStrings: def __init__(self, mailInstance): self.mailInstance = mailInstance self.programTag = 'OnionrMail v%s' % (PLUGIN_VERSION) choices = ['view inbox', 'view sentbox', 'send message', 'toggle pseudonymity', 'quit'] self.mainMenuChoices = choices self.mainMenu = '''----------------- 1. %s 2. %s 3. %s 4. %s 5. %s''' % (choices[0], choices[1], choices[2], choices[3], choices[4]) class OnionrMail: def __init__(self, pluginapi): self.myCore = pluginapi.get_core() self.strings = MailStrings(self) self.sentboxTools = sentboxdb.SentBox(self.myCore) self.sentboxList = [] self.sentMessages = {} self.doSigs = True return def inbox(self): blockCount = 0 pmBlockMap = {} pmBlocks = {} logger.info('Decrypting messages...') choice = '' displayList = [] subject = '' # this could use a lot of memory if someone has recieved a lot of messages for blockHash in self.myCore.getBlocksByType('pm'): pmBlocks[blockHash] = Block(blockHash, core=self.myCore) pmBlocks[blockHash].decrypt() blockCount = 0 for blockHash in pmBlocks: if not pmBlocks[blockHash].decrypted: continue blockCount += 1 pmBlockMap[blockCount] = blockHash block = pmBlocks[blockHash] senderKey = block.signer try: senderKey = senderKey.decode() except AttributeError: pass senderDisplay = onionrusers.OnionrUser(self.myCore, senderKey).getName() if senderDisplay == 'anonymous': senderDisplay = senderKey blockDate = pmBlocks[blockHash].getDate().strftime("%m/%d %H:%M") try: subject = pmBlocks[blockHash].bmetadata['subject'] except KeyError: subject = '' displayList.append('%s. %s - %s - <%s>: %s' % (blockCount, blockDate, senderDisplay[:12], subject[:10], blockHash)) while choice not in ('-q', 'q', 'quit'): for i in displayList: logger.info(i) try: choice = logger.readline('Enter a block number, -r to refresh, or -q to stop: ').strip().lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): choice = '-q' if choice in ('-q', 'q', 'quit'): continue if choice in ('-r', 'r', 'refresh'): # dirty hack self.inbox() return try: choice = int(choice) except ValueError: pass else: try: pmBlockMap[choice] readBlock = pmBlocks[pmBlockMap[choice]] except KeyError: pass else: cancel = '' readBlock.verifySig() senderDisplay = self.myCore._utils.bytesToStr(readBlock.signer) if len(senderDisplay.strip()) == 0: senderDisplay = 'Anonymous' logger.info('Message received from %s' % (senderDisplay,)) logger.info('Valid signature: %s' % readBlock.validSig) if not readBlock.validSig: logger.warn('This message has an INVALID/NO signature. ANYONE could have sent this message.') cancel = logger.readline('Press enter to continue to message, or -q to not open the message (recommended).') if cancel != '-q': try: print(draw_border(self.myCore._utils.escapeAnsi(readBlock.bcontent.decode().strip()))) except ValueError: logger.warn('Error presenting message. This is usually due to a malformed or blank message.') pass reply = logger.readline("Press enter to continue, or enter %s to reply" % ("-r",)) print('') if reply == "-r": self.draftMessage(self.myCore._utils.bytesToStr(readBlock.signer,)) return def sentbox(self): ''' Display sent mail messages ''' entering = True while entering: self.get_sent_list() logger.info('Enter a block number or -q to return') try: choice = input('>') except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: entering = False else: try: choice = int(choice) - 1 except ValueError: pass else: try: self.sentboxList[int(choice)] except (IndexError, ValueError) as e: logger.warn('Invalid block.') else: logger.info('Sent to: ' + self.sentMessages[self.sentboxList[int(choice)]][1]) # Print ansi escaped sent message logger.info(self.myCore._utils.escapeAnsi(self.sentMessages[self.sentboxList[int(choice)]][0])) input('Press enter to continue...') finally: if choice == '-q': entering = False return def get_sent_list(self, display=True): count = 1 self.sentboxList = [] self.sentMessages = {} for i in self.sentboxTools.listSent(): self.sentboxList.append(i['hash']) self.sentMessages[i['hash']] = (self.myCore._utils.bytesToStr(i['message']), i['peer'], i['subject']) if display: logger.info('%s. %s - %s - (%s) - %s' % (count, i['hash'], i['peer'][:12], i['subject'], i['date'])) count += 1 return json.dumps(self.sentMessages) def draft_message(self, recip=''): message = '' newLine = '' subject = '' entering = False if len(recip) == 0: entering = True while entering: try: recip = logger.readline('Enter peer address, or -q to stop:').strip() if recip in ('-q', 'q'): raise EOFError if not self.myCore._utils.validatePubKey(recip): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey('Must be a valid ed25519 base32 encoded public key') except onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey: logger.warn('Invalid public key') except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): entering = False else: break else: # if -q or ctrl-c/d, exit function here, otherwise we successfully got the public key return try: subject = logger.readline('Message subject: ') except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): pass cancelEnter = False logger.info('Enter your message, stop by entering -q on a new line. -c to cancel') while newLine != '-q': try: newLine = input() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): cancelEnter = True if newLine == '-c': cancelEnter = True break if newLine == '-q': continue newLine += '\n' message += newLine if not cancelEnter: logger.info('Inserting encrypted message as Onionr block....') blockID = self.myCore.insertBlock(message, header='pm', encryptType='asym', asymPeer=recip, sign=self.doSigs, meta={'subject': subject}) def toggle_signing(self): self.doSigs = not self.doSigs def menu(self): choice = '' while True: sigMsg = 'Message Signing: %s' logger.info(self.strings.programTag + '\n\nUser ID: ' + self.myCore._crypto.pubKey) if self.doSigs: sigMsg = sigMsg % ('enabled',) else: sigMsg = sigMsg % ('disabled (Your messages cannot be trusted)',) if self.doSigs: logger.info(sigMsg) else: logger.warn(sigMsg) logger.info(self.strings.mainMenu.title()) # print out main menu try: choice = logger.readline('Enter 1-%s:\n' % (len(self.strings.mainMenuChoices))).lower().strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): choice = '5' if choice in (self.strings.mainMenuChoices[0], '1'): self.inbox() elif choice in (self.strings.mainMenuChoices[1], '2'): self.sentbox() elif choice in (self.strings.mainMenuChoices[2], '3'): self.draft_message() elif choice in (self.strings.mainMenuChoices[3], '4'): self.toggle_signing() elif choice in (self.strings.mainMenuChoices[4], '5'): logger.info('Goodbye.') break elif choice == '': pass else: logger.warn('Invalid choice.') return def on_insertblock(api, data={}): sentboxTools = sentboxdb.SentBox(api.get_core()) meta = json.loads(data['meta']) sentboxTools.addToSent(data['hash'], data['peer'], data['content'], meta['subject']) def on_pluginrequest(api, data=None): resp = '' subject = '' recip = '' message = '' postData = {} blockID = '' sentboxTools = sentboxdb.SentBox(api.get_core()) if data['name'] == 'mail': path = data['path'] cmd = path.split('/')[1] if cmd == 'sentbox': resp = OnionrMail(api).get_sent_list(display=False) if resp != '': api.get_onionr().clientAPIInst.pluginResponses[data['pluginResponse']] = resp def on_init(api, data = None): ''' This event is called after Onionr is initialized, but before the command inputted is executed. Could be called when daemon is starting or when just the client is running. ''' pluginapi = api mail = OnionrMail(pluginapi) api.commands.register(['mail'], mail.menu) api.commands.register_help('mail', 'Interact with OnionrMail') return