#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Craft and send requests to the local client API""" import sys import os if not os.path.exists('onionr.sh'): os.chdir('../') sys.path.append("src/") import atexit import readline histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".onionr_history") try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) # default history len is -1 (infinite), which may grow unruly readline.set_history_length(1000) except FileNotFoundError: pass atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) from onionrutils.localcommand import local_command from onionrutils.localcommand import get_hostname try: print('API file found, probably running on ' + get_hostname()) except TypeError: print('Onionr not running') sys.exit(1) print('1. get request (default)') print('2. post request') choice = input(">").lower().strip() post = False post_data = {} json = False endpoint = input("URL Endpoint: ") data = input("Data url param: ") if choice in ("2", "post", "post request"): post = True print("Enter post data") post_data = input() if post_data: print("Is this JSON?") json = input("y/n").lower().strip() if json == "y": json = True ret = local_command(endpoint, data=data, post=post, post_data=post_data, is_json=json) print("Response: \n", ret)