from .. import onionrstatistics, version, daemonlaunch, keyadders, openwebinterface from .. import banblocks # Command to blacklist a block by its hash from .. import filecommands # commands to share files with onionr from .. import exportblocks # commands to export blocks from .. import pubkeymanager # commands to add or change id from .. import resettor # command to reset the tor data directory import onionrexceptions from onionrutils import importnewblocks # func to import new blocks import onionrevents as events def get_arguments(): '''This is a function because we need to be able to dynamically modify them with plugins''' args = { ('blacklist', 'blacklist-block', 'remove-block', 'removeblock'): banblocks.ban_block, ('details', 'info'): onionrstatistics.show_details, ('stats', 'statistics'): onionrstatistics.show_stats, ('version'): version.version, ('start', 'daemon'): daemonlaunch.start, ('stop', 'kill'): daemonlaunch.kill_daemon, ('add-address', 'addaddress', 'addadder'): keyadders.add_address, ('openhome', 'gui', 'openweb', 'open-home', 'open-web'): openwebinterface.open_home, ('add-site', 'addsite', 'addhtml', 'add-html'): filecommands.add_html, ('addfile', 'add-file'): filecommands.add_file, ('get-file', 'getfile'): filecommands.get_file, ('export-block', 'exportblock'): exportblocks.export_block, ('importblocks', 'import-blocks', 'import-block'): importnewblocks.import_new_blocks, ('addid', 'add-id'): pubkeymanager.add_ID, ('changeid', 'change-id'): pubkeymanager.change_ID, ('resettor', 'reset-tor'): resettor.reset_tor } return args def get_help(): return def get_func(argument): argument = argument.lower() args = get_arguments() for arg in args.keys(): # Iterate command alias sets if argument in arg: # If our argument is in the current alias set, return the command function return args[arg] raise onionrexceptions.NotFound