pms = '' threadPart = document.getElementById('threads') threadPlaceholder = document.getElementById('threadPlaceholder') function getInbox(){ var showed = false for(var i = 0; i < pms.length; i++) { if (pms[i].trim().length == 0){ continue } else{ = 'none' showed = true } fetch('/getblockdata/' + pms[i], { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(resp) { var entry = document.createElement('div') var bHashDisplay = document.createElement('span') var senderInput = document.createElement('input') var subjectLine = document.createElement('span') var dateStr = document.createElement('span') var humanDate = new Date(0) humanDate.setUTCSeconds(resp['meta']['time']) senderInput.value = resp['meta']['signer'] bHashDisplay.innerText = pms[i - 1].substring(0, 10) bHashDisplay.setAttribute('hash', pms[i - 1]); senderInput.readOnly = true dateStr.innerText = humanDate.toString() if (resp['metadata']['subject'] === undefined || resp['metadata']['subject'] === null) { subjectLine.innerText = '()' } else{ subjectLine.innerText = '(' + resp['metadata']['subject'] + ')' } //entry.innerHTML = 'sender ' + resp['meta']['signer'] + ' - ' + resp['meta']['time'] threadPart.appendChild(entry) //entry.appendChild(bHashDisplay) entry.appendChild(senderInput) entry.appendChild(subjectLine) entry.appendChild(dateStr) }.bind([pms, i])) } if (! showed){ = 'block' } } fetch('/getblocksbytype/pm', { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.text()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(data) { pms = data.split(',') getInbox(pms) })