''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Misc client API endpoints too small to need their own file and that need access to the client api inst ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' from flask import Response, Blueprint, request, send_from_directory, abort import unpaddedbase32 from httpapi import apiutils import onionrcrypto, config from netcontroller import NetController from serializeddata import SerializedData from onionrutils import mnemonickeys from onionrutils import bytesconverter from utils import reconstructhash pub_key = onionrcrypto.pub_key.replace('=', '') class PrivateEndpoints: def __init__(self, client_api): private_endpoints_bp = Blueprint('privateendpoints', __name__) self.private_endpoints_bp = private_endpoints_bp @private_endpoints_bp.route('/www/', endpoint='www') def wwwPublic(path): if not config.get("www.private.run", True): abort(403) return send_from_directory(config.get('www.private.path', 'static-data/www/private/'), path) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/hitcount') def get_hit_count(): return Response(str(client_api.publicAPI.hitCount)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/queueResponseAdd/', methods=['post']) def queueResponseAdd(name): # Responses from the daemon. TODO: change to direct var access instead of http endpoint client_api.queueResponse[name] = request.form['data'] return Response('success') @private_endpoints_bp.route('/queueResponse/') def queueResponse(name): # Fetch a daemon queue response resp = 'failure' try: resp = client_api.queueResponse[name] except KeyError: pass else: del client_api.queueResponse[name] if resp == 'failure': return resp, 404 else: return resp @private_endpoints_bp.route('/ping') def ping(): # Used to check if client api is working return Response("pong!") @private_endpoints_bp.route('/lastconnect') def lastConnect(): return Response(str(client_api.publicAPI.lastRequest)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/waitforshare/', methods=['post']) def waitforshare(name): '''Used to prevent the **public** api from sharing blocks we just created''' if not name.isalnum(): raise ValueError('block hash needs to be alpha numeric') name = reconstructhash.reconstruct_hash(name) if name in client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks: client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks.remove(name) return Response("removed") else: client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks.append(name) return Response("added") @private_endpoints_bp.route('/shutdown') def shutdown(): return apiutils.shutdown.shutdown(client_api) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getstats') def getStats(): # returns node stats while True: try: return Response(client_api._too_many.get(SerializedData).get_stats()) except AttributeError as e: pass @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getuptime') def showUptime(): return Response(str(client_api.getUptime())) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getActivePubkey') def getActivePubkey(): return Response(pub_key) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getHumanReadable') def getHumanReadableDefault(): return Response(mnemonickeys.get_human_readable_ID()) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getHumanReadable/') def getHumanReadable(name): name = unpaddedbase32.repad(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(name)) return Response(mnemonickeys.get_human_readable_ID(name)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getBase32FromHumanReadable/') def get_base32_from_human_readable(words): return Response(bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(mnemonickeys.get_base32(words))) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/gettorsocks') def get_tor_socks(): return Response(str(client_api._too_many.get(NetController).socksPort))